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The Wolf Pack

Between November 2011 and January 2012 I visited the Bavarian Forest National Park many times to study a captive pack of wolves. Come rain, mist and snow blizzards I was there between sunrise and sunset to observe their behaviour and enjoy being so close to a highly intelligent animal.

Location: Germany

Species: Eurasian wolf

Grey Wolves, Germany by Tim Plowden
Grey Wolf, Germany by Tim Plowden
Grey Wolves, Germany by Tim Plowden
Grey Wolves, Germany by Tim Plowden
Grey Wolf, Germany by Tim Plowden
Grey Wolf, Germany by Tim Plowden
Greeting behaviour of Grey Wolves, Germany by Tim Plowden
Eurasian Wolf, Germany
Eurasian Wolf, Germany

More info on photographing a wolf pack in the Bavarian Forest National Park

The Bavarian Forest National Park in Germany straddles the rugged mountainous highlands near the border with the Czech Republic. I spent my weekends observing and photographing a captive wolf pack  over a period of three months while on assignment in Munich.

Studying a wolf pack in captivity is an excellent way to get close to these remarkable predators and learn more about their hidden world by observing their behaviour. As I learned from experience in Alaska, getting close to wolves in the wild is exceptionally difficult.

All wolves display a wide range of social behaviour and it’s not just about the serious business of killing and maintaining a territory – it also includes play. Wolves are known to play tag with each other and they also play games with ravens – an intelligent member of the crow family with which they have a symbiotic relationship. The goofy image of a playful wolf is far removed from the stereotype.

Wildlife Photography

Editorial Stock

Image Licensing: Alamy

Themes: Wildlife Behaviour, Rewilding

Publication Credits: National Geographic Explorer, The Times, Wildlife Photographic

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