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Tropical Rainforest

Photography of tropical rainforest biodiversity in Southeast Asia to promote wildlife conservation work.

Locations: Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Species: Insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Wagler's pit viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri) at night in tropical rainforest, Malaysia by Tim Plowden
Great Anglehead Lizard at night in tropical rainforest, Malaysia.
Wagler's pit viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri) at night in tropical rainforest, Malaysia by Tim Plowden
Lappet moth caterpillar adopts a defensive posture while displaying its red and yellow warning colours, Borneo.
A Collared Scops Owl in a mountain forest, Malaysia.
A Great Hornbill feeds in the forest canopy of Langkawi, Malaysia.
The Endangered Red-shanked douc is listed on CITES Appendix I and Appendix 1B of Decree 32 (2006) in Vietnam. However, enforcement of legislation against hunting is rarely carried out.
A female Bornean Orangutan, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Threat behaviour of the Proboscis monkey, Bako National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo.
Female Dusky Leaf Monkey, Langkawi, Malaysia.
A Colugo or Flying Lemur clings to the trunk of a tree, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Conservation Photography

Editorial Stock

Image Licensing: Alamy

Themes: Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity, Endangered Species

Publication Credits: Wildlife Photographic, Mongabay, MSN, View, The Guardian, Vietnam Times, Dorling Kindersley, John Beaufoy Publishing, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Conservation International

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