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Tim Plowden Included as an Alamy Featured Photographer: A Showcase of Alamy’s Best Collections

Moulting Chameleon by Tim Plowden
by Tim Plowden, 16 February 2016

Today Tim Plowden has been included as an Alamy Featured Photographer. Alamy use this service to showcase some of the best collections to their customers.

Tim’s wildlife imagery gives a glimpse of a secret world and which engenders positive attitudes towards the natural world.

White-handed Gibbon, Singapore Zoo by Tim Plowden
Jade Green Cicada Emerging, Malaysia by Tim Plowden
Owston's Civet, CPCP, Vietnam by Tim Plowden

When I photograph wildlife I am not thinking purely as a photographer. I get absorbed in observing animal behaviour. That’s when the magic happens. The camera is just a tool. My vision is clear – share the deep connection we have with nature and get people supporting conservation work.

Mating Millipedes, Borneo by Tim Plowden

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